This would be the perfect time to blog if I could narrow down the subject matter
But mostly I can't stop thinking about pearl cotton and how I'd like to sit in a corner in a quiet room and teach myself to be the best hand-quilter ever. I've recently filled an entire bowl full with these little jewels, and my head with dreams of perfect little bright stitches outlining this or that. And how that monotony would be so soothing and perfect. But love is patient, so we wait, the cotton and I. It sits there. I do anything but. I'm feeling compelled to offer a bullet list here of what's been jiggin, but I shall resist. I do want to say a giant banner-sized (waving back and forth vigorously!) THANK YOU for all the love and sweetness and nice words in regards to my Quilt Market booth and the visits I had there. I am just humbled by the little niceties floating around in blogland about my new fabrics, book cover, etc. With every passing day over the last week, I was continually confronted with more mentions of the experience from so many great persp...