
Showing posts from July, 2008

Gee, thanks Mom!

Scrappy Birthday to me! My sweetie-pie Mommy sent me the gorgeous Quilts of Gee's Bend book for my birthday, and I keep getting up from my work to go look at it. It's like a bag a of Doritos being on the other side of the room. Well, better than that. What good timing, too as I was just about to share my scrap bookmarks with you. So in the fabric-saving-and-using spirit, here is my little scrap inspiration for today. They are every bit as simple as they look: * 2 rectangles of fabric, in any size you like, sewn right sides together with 1/4" SA * leave one of the short ends open, clip the two sewn corners, turn right side out * one rectangle of double-sided heavy fusible that is 5/8" smaller in width and 1" smaller in length than the fabric rectangles. * folding the interfacing lengthwise first makes it easier to insert it snugly * after getting the interfacing in place, fold in the open end and press entire bookmark both sides * I added colorful running st...

There, that's Better

Hullo. Hope everyone is having a great week! As August approaches I wanted to mention a mention that many of you have already mentioned to me! (hi, thanks!) Better Homes & Gardens did a little Stylemaker blurb on me in their August issue and I am more than honored to be part of such a favorite magazine. And a very pretty issue at that! While the mag feature is just one page, from there they cue a 16 page slideshow a la Moi at their website that points to several of my free patterns, products, that many of you dedicated (sweetly wonderful) readers are familiar with. But a bonus is that it also points to the "blossom" pin cushion pattern that I did for their Quilts and More publication this spring, making it available to any of you who missed that issue. Hooray! I've added the slideshow link to my sidebar over there for you. I've been working on several new little projects that'll be available to you here soon, one of them being a step-by-step for the f...

And Rain on Friday

How did he know that's what I wanted to do today too? Such a smart dog. I guess rain has the same effect on King Leo the VI. Though I'm fairly certain that sun, partly cloudy, partly sunny, snow and hail all have this effect on him too. Thanks for all the nice color comments on my last post. I don't mean to imply that I ignore color theory. I adore color theory and play with abandon. The colorwheel spins in my brain subconsciously as I compose. I very often go with an obvious pairing, but add a variation for interest, or intentionally choose something "wrong" to add some depth. I also don't subscribe to calling the typical harmonious pairings rules so much as I think of them as scientific suggestions of what happens when combining. I'm also convinced that everyone's eyes actually see color slightly differently. No research to point to other than my sister and I spending about 20 minutes in a fabric store discussing (arguing) the properties of...

Living (with) Color

What is it that I'm thinking about when I throw all this stuff together, be it a fabric collection, a room or a single pillow? The answer might be the subject of a book one day, but for now, all I know is that in all those instances and more the process is just the same. Does it interest me? Have I seen it before? Does this feel new? Am I comforted by it? Would I wear it if it were a dress? Would I hang those colors on my wall? Am I cheered by this? These are the types of questions I ask myself when I am working at developing palettes and prints. Sometimes looking at a combination like the pillow above, I think of my personal favorite color Q&A: What makes a group of colors go together? I do. I know you would have enjoyed the look on my color theory professor's face when I answered with that 17 years ago. Back to today, I feel exactly the same way, only a bit more experience with the mix. I had hoarded that center vintage barkcloth for months waiting for a good way ...

Promised Postcards

First Morning 6:50 a.m. Sun Glowing Grass Gently Rolling Front Row Seats Gathering Storm I warned you about the sky, sea, sand redundancy, but I found it all quite palatable. Make a cutout of yourself and dance it along the computer screen or just close your eyes and listen for the waves.....can you hear it? xoAM

Picking Time

If I could send a blossom-y gift to everyone of you, please believe that I would. Enough dreaming, let's get to it shall we? Here are the four winning party-goers with their comments and time posted: Mo said....Seriously? I have to pick just one?! They are all lovely and they work so nicely together. Your daughters are just beautiful too! If I had to narrow it down to one it would be guest of honor in ice. Fanfare in gold and tablecloth in ice are close seconds though. at 12:45pm Heidi Ann said...Hi Anna, "Social Climber" in teal, is my very favorite fabric, but they all are simply lovely!...Congratulations on such an "uplifting collection of prettiness"!...heidi XO. at 9:55pm The Georgia Peaches said...Well, I can't just pick one! I like Centerpiece in the turquoise and olive colorway and Social climber in the green colorway. The little outfit you made in your fabrics is so cute. at 12:29am Big Red Barn said...You know, I just don't know which fac...

Party Crashing

I'm here. Vacation was so so wonderful and much needed and you know how the transition goes, its a bit painful. I will be boring you at some point soon with beach photos bc I took a bajillion of them. Mostly of sand, water and sky. But then there are also some of just sand and water, still more of just water and sky. Oh and clouds too. Lots of clouds. I'm just warnin' ya. So I came home to this roaring party and feel like I missed all the fun! Okay, not quite. I've had a blast reading all (ALL) those comments! Thank you so much for all the generosities you left me! I apologize for the comment blipping that was going on! Geesh! Blogger flipped out at times and sent out error messages saying they didn't post, yet for the most part they were posting anyway it seems. This resulted in a lot of duplicates, and I've been weeding them out (ha! in the garden!) today to make the random drawing as random as possible. I am sorry if you tried, gave up and nev...

A proper introduction (which is kinda long, but I'm giving something away at the end so I would read it if I were you)

Now that bits and pieces of my newest fabric collection have spilled here and there around the internet , I thought I should formally introduce you to Garden Party! Juliana and I just finished up some new photos for the line as shown above and I am so happy with the glowi-ness of it all. I waited as long as I could in the day to have a glowing evening sunlight and came close to not having enough time for the shoot. We went to the Cheekwood Gardens here in Nashville and both ooohed and awwwed the whole time we walked around taking pics. My thoughts for Garden Party were first and foremost inspired by the palette of beautiful things I collected as I was preparing to host a huge engagement party for an old friend last year. I was gathering flowers, cakes, linens, cocktails mixes, wines, working in the garden, and thinking ahead to what it would be like to have such an eclectic group of people in my home all to celebrate the happy couple on a sweltering hot August evening. I though...

Summer in Motion

I should make clear that I can not at all take credit for the idea of a dress from a pillowcase. I've known for years of the concept, and its been filed somewhere in the dusty recesses of my brain that were thankfully swept up a bit when I came across these darling little linens. And all one would have to do, of course, is google it and find a great deal , naturally. I made this one of Isabela's in the most straightforward way. It was harder to get straightforward photographs however since she has been in almost constant motion since putting it on. The dresses seem to inspire young girls to mimic freshly washed bed linens flapping about on the clothesline in the warm summer breeze. I am certain this is the whole point. She is now a flapper. A happy little flapper. I used a very sheer pink gingham for the drawstring straps. And I used a preppy pink cotton shirting (think button-down Polos from the eighth grade that your mom was too cheap to buy - or too smart - interjec...