
Showing posts from August, 2008

From my Garden

Well its not tomatoes, but the more flowery fruits of my own labor. I so enjoyed reading through the tomato love and all of your fancy ways of consuming them. I am thoroughly stuffed, and feel like we all shared a big meal. Food and love. It is something isn't it? I've been thinking about it for a few days now, how we have favorite ways to eat things, and the memories that a simple fresh vegetable can conjure. Its not just the memory of how you ate it and what it tasted like or how it was prepared, but more, its the warmth of the loved ones that grew it, cooked it or shared it. Its the comfort of being provided for in the most simplest form. Feeding the soul through the mouth. I went out in the garden today to photograph this quilt and was entirely too distracted by the flowers and felt more like photographing them. I eventually found myself to be taking pictures of the same thing as the quilt, really. The palette was the same. And though this blessed Tennessee soil...


Seriously lets talk about this, cause its been foremost in my mind and my mouth for about 2 weeks now. After Mom and Dad sent a box to us about 10 days ago via a friend who happened to be traveling this way, they came themselves for a visit over the weekend. This time with a bigger box. The pride and joy of their garden by the river was overflowing with delicious potential. Something that you need to understand is that my Dad giving us food, particularly fruits and vegetables, is a language of love. It's always been. You fell down and got hurt? Here, eat. You wrecked the car and I've already yelled at you for 3 days? Here, eat. Bad day? Here, eat. Lost the house you wanted to buy? Here, eat. Pregnant? Here, eat. Pregnant again? Here, eat. But the joy he finds in offering the fruits of his own labor is something all together different. I tried to get a quick shot of him with the glowing red beauties, but he barely let me get one before he invited anyone nearby t...

Please and Thank You!

This gorgeous collage, made by my effervescent friend Stephanie Levy is my choice from the grouping that she made from some of my fabric scraps. Several months ago, we settled on a fun exchange where I sent my fabrics to her (in Germany) so she could do what she does best with scraps of things. (Look at more lovelies here .) Stephanie was so kind to offer me first choice for my birthday, even though it took me daaaays of looking, and thinking, and looking, and thinking to decide which one. Cause they're all so bea-yooti-ful, naturally. Don't ya love? I love. Stephanie and I go all the way back to art school where we were student contemporaries (high-faluntin for 'there at the same time'). Anyway, we both admired each other's work, equally, I think and both had a lot of interest in design and pattern in our fine art studies, though with refreshingly different results. I am so happy to have a piece that reflects both of us and points to how we've grown ...

What is it about stickers?

After months and months of printing stickers on my desktop, I caved into a bit of professional help . Man. Can someone please explain the satisfaction one finds in stickers? Is it just me? Can't be. Must be the residual pre-teen-Hello-Kitty-loving, note-writing, smelly-eraser-sniffing little punk leftover.

The nursery is red & white, you say?

So mostly I've been cleaning closets, giving away small kids' clothes, back-to-school uniform shopping, house-painting, studio reorganizing, and eating tomatoes from my dad's garden which are out of this world good. Nevermind that he and mom live 3 hours away. Where there's a quickly ripening garden of red juicy perfection there's a way. But yes, eating lots and lots of tomatoes with a healthy helping of the richest olive oil. Now that we've all gotten our antioxidants, look at the baby blanket I finished today! I've had the fabric, 4" satin ribbon, and the bunny-softest flannel set aside for quite some time. My sweet friend Julie that I've known since 8th grade has given birth to her first baby and the nursery is white with bits of red and I am so glad. (AND I think I should overuse AND in some more sentences AND continue to run-on, you?) The simple pairing of the already washed home decor weight fabric and flannel (with no batting) makes for...