Wink Juice & Nudge-Nudge Pizza
(Entirely too coordinated today, Eleni requested a portrait by the cutting table upon completing her dressing.) Thank you, thank you a million times thank you! You guys are so smart and veggie-lovin , I knew all I had to do was ask. And I should have mentioned that I have skimmed through my friend's copy of Deceptively Delicious, which I think is a great concept, not a new concept (who among us doesn't sneak in a smidge of strained spinach with every spoonful of strained sweet potoates that baby will tolerate?), but really a great concept for a cute book. The reason I haven't purchased it, is because so many of the recipes are for dishes I couldn't get Joseph to eat whether or not they're made with a sneak of veggies. In addition to being adverse to vegetables, he is just sooooo picky. No grapes, oranges, berries of any sort, watermelon, sauces (unless on pizza), meatloaf, raviolis, soups (except broth from chick-noodle) etc. etc. Clearly his don't list is...