
Showing posts from September, 2010

A Sewing Circle

Has it been two weeks? Wow. Feels like about one long day. Phew. N'kay. Yesterday was my favorite day. I've been waiting for months. We had the first of two planned (prolly needs to be more like ten) sewing days to begin assembling the Rainbow Around the Block quilts for flood victims. That's Brittney up there working away while I imagine the rest of us were either digging through blocks, pressing, squaring, eating, eating, eating or planning the next top. Thank you Brittney for your talented hands! And for taking on the pink flamingo blocks. You are not going to believe these stats----here we go...maybe you'll believe it. I didn't believe it, but you're probably smarter than me. Actually now that I've sorted through all of the blocks, tops and quilts and begun the sewing I most DEFinitely believe it. Uoops. I derailed, the stats: we've received 1,746 blocks (enough for 41 full size quilts), 77 finished quilt tops and 22 completely finished q...

Brokering Piece

I could not put an idea to bed last night, so I stayed up with it for an hour or two past what would be a reasonable time for me to be sleeping. Oh, but the quiet house + the hum of my machine + the whirl of my brain, no regrets. I felt as sleepy-happy this morning as I use to when my sister & I would stay up giggling on a Saturday night way past when our little sponge-curler heads were suppose to be snoozing. Grown up me knows, unfortunately, that every late night will not be followed by a sleepy-happy (slappy? yes, slappy) morning. I'm sure you know how that can turn on you. I'll be taking some time to work out a peace/piece agreement between myself, my family, the internet and my studio, so please excuse the quiet over the next week or two. I promise to throw up a picture here or there when I think it might shove you into some fun ideas about something. I'm sorry I said throw up . And shove . But for now, lots of love from here. xoxoAnna


A few more pushes and a coupla shoves and we'll have ourselves a complete Roman room. Then I promise to bring you the whole space with details and sources. I really had to chuckle a little at the oohs and aahhs and waahhs about painting over the handpainted wall. I would be lying if I told you doing this hurts me. It doesn't. I love a clean slate. The hard work buried underneath has never called out to me. Ever. Its not forgotten, just done and its purpose served. I could no sooner live with the same handpainted wall than I could keep sewing with the same fabrics. These things are special to me, but never sacred. They are just that. Things. The little, rambunctious blurs of happy that live amongst these things that I create, however, they are all the inspiration and all the joy. And if these loves can delight in the things I make then I am amused . Not fulfilled, just amused. We delight in one another and so move forward. lots of love from the partially finished...

Who needs a nap?

Distracting me from my distractions are a whole lot of cozy, beautiful things coming soon.....Gathering Flowers Quilt pattern, Flower Patch Pillows pattern, a reprinting of some favorite fabrics (on smooth voile!), the Proper Attire Skirt pattern (wait till you see- and from size xs- 3xl!!) and of course all those other new fabrics and 3 new free patterns too. By my calculations I should be able to take a shower in about 18 days. All I can think about is soup and a nap (where I will dream about sewing). So there's a little inspiration ~ have a gorgeous weekend~ it's cooler here today...there? xo, Anna

Three Days

What a weekend. We moved further through the perpetual large family room switches here, which I began documenting back here . And if you're bored enough to read through that, then you'll of course know what stage we are in now. With the big one away at school, the smaller room that she traded the girls for at the beginning of the year is becoming Roman's room. The little ones were all t0o eager (paint footprints all over the flippin house) to help. The handpainted floral wall that I labored over about 6 years ago is now put to rest under a fresh coat of paint and I actually don't miss it. And surprisingly, packing all that Juliana left in her room in to (lots of) large plastic bins tucked into the closet felt great. Really awesome. Whew. Can't wait to show you Roman's room here soon~ hope you had a great long weekend. xoAM