Got dressed

We had such a fun pajama party yesterday! You guys really had me laughing and feeling normal. I think I'm in good company wearing my pjs for most of the work day. Which has made the fact that I got dressed today newsworthy! So I thought I would document my trip to the mailbox with Eleni. It is so sunny and gorgeous that I was inspired to put on my favorite skirt. I do have a small addiction where skirts are concerned. I find that I collect clothes more than I buy them. Again, I am a study in conflict. Free grandpa sleepies and 200$ skirts. Go figure. It's a balance I guess.

Anyway, my slouchy attire antics apparently hasn't scared too many people off. My neighbor Karen left these on my front doorstep this morning. Just cause. I was so busy gabbing on the phone with a client that I couldn't even thank her. Could a girl have a better neighbor? No. Oh my gosh! I passed my own UPS guy on the road this morning driving home from Isabela's pre-K. I wanted to honk and shout, "hey look!! I'm dressed!!!" But I almost swerved off the road, laughing at myself just thinking about it, and thinking about telling you. He wouldn't have recognized me anyway.

So Eleni and I had a nice slow walk in the sunshine. I am absolutely not an example to her in the shoe wearing category either. But I have a bazillion smart pairs. Of course.