What a dog can't blog. And love, too.
So I hear that you were graced by Leo's presence a few days ago and I think I should fill in the gaps that his command of the written English language may have left out. (He is quite impressive with those paws and a keyboard, though aye?) We had 3 birthdays last week which left me with a 16 yr old, a 10 yr old and a 4 yr old (and the 8 and 6 yr olds haven't gone anywhere its just that they didn't have birthdays - who would leave with so much birthday cake around?) Ahh. Birth dates and due dates. Oh yea, due dates! The book is done! I finished writing the book. I'm finally done with that blasted book. Hey I've been wanting to tell you I finished the book!! Oh, have I told you?? It's DONE!
What a feeling. Its like being on the other side of the biggest college term paper ever and I don't even have the desire to go out an binge drink or burn pencils or anything. I have just a few figure drawings to complete. As it turns out I could have just drawn the entire book for you. I think I turned in more drawings than I did instruction steps for the projects. I couldn't help myself. There is the weirdest satisfaction I get out of drawing just exactly what I mean. I can barely have a conversation with anyone, without pulling out a piece of paper to draw what I'm talking about. Alas, I know several figures will get cut from the final manuscript due to my publishers sticking to page count, etc. What is that? So what if we said 176 pages, couldn't we make it like around 881 pages? Anyway.
I had the fortune of treating myself to a cold but bundled up morning at the flea market last weekend and, as I do almost every time, I purchased some more vintage buttons. I go absolutely mad when people organize their display by color. It's insane what it does for me. I have a disturbingly high admiration for any randomly gathered group of odds and ends that are thrown into color categories. So I bought the white. And the red. And I almost bought more, but it was getting just silly when I considered the amount I already have at home. But then. I thought of you.

And so I made this card for you. If you click on it it'll bring up a 8.5 x 11 jpeg that you can download, print and fold. Use it to write to someone that you love. You are like the red buttons in my day, all lovingly gathered together to cheer me on. You have no idea how much I appreciate every comment, the ones I have time to respond to, the ones that I only say something out loud to when I read them, and even the ones that tell me I look even vaguely like someone who is even vaguely cute.
have a lover-ly afternoon. xoxoAM