And don't I look young for my age??
Roman has been a total blog-hog, so I figured the only way I could compete was to give you little Me. And sucker you into wishing me Happy Birthday! Do you find that you have to remind everyone around you as the years move on?? Thats okay. I just about had to send myself an email reminder, bc lately July 31 just feels like the last day of the month which prompts me into freaking out that I haven't gotten enough done in July. Sigh.
I will tell you, I'm not really sure how I'm suppose to feel about 37. Age seems to be mattering less to me these days and the number feels just obscure. I don't know if I feel too young or too old to be 37, so does that make it about right? Perhaps. I was telling Allie (23) the other day how mismatched I feel with the number 37. Its not like I'm in denial, or that I'm in denial about being in denial, its just that after about 30 or so.... your age really is just that. It starts feeling less like something that can actually describe you. Just you wait, I told her, you'll know what I mean someday. And she seemed to believe me about as much as I believed older women enlightening me about age when I was 23. But thats good. Thats part of being 23.
I went into Eleni's (5) room yesterday morning to wake her up with a hug. Leaning in to her sleeping bubbly face, I scooped my arms underneath her pillow and my right hand ran across about 6 marbles that she had tucked under pillow. How awesome, I thought. She has marbles under her pillow. I wanted marbles under my pillow. I didn't know why I wanted marbles under my pillow in that instant. It just seemed so fun. Youthful. I never asked why they were there, or told her to get the marbles out of her bed. I was just glad she is little. And happy. The HAPPY is the part of HAPPY BIRTHDAY that I have figured out. And at the tender (ha!) age of 37, thats pretty good.
Wishing you marbles under your pillow. xoxo, Anna