Home for the Holidays (kindergartern style)
School is officially out. Eleni just jingled (really, she has bells around her neck) all the way up the hill from the bus stop and eagerly pulled out some goodies from a giant crumpled paper grocery bag. Here are some favorites:

This is Peanut-Pretzel-Rudolph.

A torn paper Christmas Tree.

A gift from her K teacher. Do you remember this book? I loved it sooooo much.

"Down fell the snow- plop!-on top of Peter's head."
Each of our kids that can write has written a Christmas list and each of these lists has included "a white Christmas". Oh that sounds easy enough to buy. We might just have to use our imaginations for that one.
hope you're warm and calm in the midst of cold and chaos~ Anna
This is Peanut-Pretzel-Rudolph.
A torn paper Christmas Tree.
A gift from her K teacher. Do you remember this book? I loved it sooooo much.
"Down fell the snow- plop!-on top of Peter's head."
Each of our kids that can write has written a Christmas list and each of these lists has included "a white Christmas". Oh that sounds easy enough to buy. We might just have to use our imaginations for that one.
hope you're warm and calm in the midst of cold and chaos~ Anna