This very moment::
:: my sweet boy is slumbering under the "sixth time's the charm" quilt that I made for him (and the book ) a few months before we ever saw his sweet new face. I am glad. And you might have guessed this already, but I'm going to tell you why I'm glad. I have found myself somewhere between writing a book and not writing a book. And even though the writingabook part finished up a while ago I am just now settling in to the relief of notwritingabook. I take a lot of joy in designing and putting together ideas in a book format, but I am feeling very glad right now that I am at a place where I can just await the fruits of my labor and enjoy the items that I made during the whole process of it. When I was very pregnant, I spent hours piecing this quilt and hours writing the instructions and then we photographed a 3-week-old Roman on the quilt between the very frequent newborn nursings. And that was way back when nursing still hurt so badly that my eyes would well up ...