The amusement is not mutual

Would you get any work done with these two at your feet? You can hear our printer running in the background as well as Lemon the canary singing his morning song. These two are a constant comedy routine, with Roman playing the lead role as the faithful pet and Leo playing the supporting role as the impatient unappreciative pet owner.

Right after our 3 kid birthdays wrapped up we were hit with a slew of snowdays here which sent me right back into being, well, snowed over. Only more fun and wintery like than the other kind of snowed over. We were quite literally stuck here and I didn't even get in a car for about 5 days. This made me a little crazy and hugely happy. And productive.

During our stuckinthesnow days I made:

: spinach chicken lasagna
: popovers
: two pairs of little girl leggings
: two little girl shirts
: prolly about 20 cups of cocoa
: one little japanese print skirt
: creamy chicken tomato chowder
: butterscotch cookies
: a snowman and a half
: homemade popcorn by the giant stockpot full. twice.
: a snow angel (which was much deeper than Eleni's snow angel so I think I stopped all the cooking somewhere around there)

I also made a video of Roman sledding in a salad bowl that I am too scared to show here for fear of having my children taken into custody. But if you think the baby giggling at the dog is funny...

Missed you guys


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