Creature Comfort


I have been out of my habitat for quite a while now. I've missed you people and that fun back and forth thingy that we do here. My latest back and forth has me just returning from fall Quilt Market in Houston. All went so well, but naturally the preparations had this blog a little quiet, quieter than expected though. I was finally getting through it all at just the right pace, when this house fell silent..... we lost our beautiful little Lemon, the canary. In the grand scheme of life, it is a loss we can bare, so we don't dwell or wallow but I'm left a little lonely without his constant song. He did look so sweet and peaceful when we found him, so that helps. We wrapped him in beautiful citrus yellow fabric, placed him in a tiny box, tied it with a ribbon, buried him deep in our garden and planted flowers above him. Then we thanked God for the gift of getting to care for this gorgeous, innocent and sweet creature.... asked forgiveness in case we could have done a better job of it. We miss you Lemon. Sweetest bird.

Even with one less creature to come home to, Jeff and I are indeed so happily settled back into our nest after too long away. Watching Lion King for the millionth time with Roman, Ritz crackers, juice and wion-pildy (lion pillow) was just exactly my speed today. And maybe tomorrow, and the day after, and...

back soon with happier notes for you, lots of love, Anna Maria


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