Postcards:: day five
I got out a little yesterday morning to poke around and see what this town looks like a bit before I started my class at Sew Modern. Okay, I just walked to Starbucks and back. But I have already decided that my favorite thing about Beverly Hills is the foliage that takes over (in a very specifically manicured way) all the old apartments and beautifully nestled together stucco houses everywhere. So pretty.
My hotel, the Maison140, served as an actor's hostile in the early 20th century I'm told. It is extremely quaint. Every surface in my little room is some shade of warm red, white or marble black. When you walk into the lobby at night, shown above, there is always some old black and white film being projected on one of the walls. I should try to get a grab of that tonight....

And this is the lovely group of women I got to spend my day with yesterday making the Multi-Tasker Tote- otherwise known as Sara, Amy, Jennifer, Julie, Jennifer, (me), Shay, Liberty, Morgan, Lorrie and Nancy. They let me chat away about whatever I wanted to (I think I'm losing my voice) and they just kept sewing and pretending to be interested. I have this funny habit of begging to seam rip for anyone that needs it while they do something else for the pattern so they don't miss a beat with a little mistake. Its my little way of remaining motherly while surrounded by grown-ups.
I spent last night with the LA Modern Quilt Guild. What a group. Wow. Talk about a room full of kindred spirits. I hope to have at least a few shots up here soon. I'll admit that when Jeff headed back home on Monday I sort of didn't know what to do with myself despite my full schedule this week. But yesterday reminded me why I love my work so much. Getting the opportunity to be re-sparked like this -in person- meeting others that appreciate and love so many of the same things, their eyes lighting up when you speak about color or form, even though you feel yourself trailing off into your own subconscious ideas about making- there they are- smiling, nodding, and making me feel at home. Thank you to the Guild for my wonderful evening.
Now to my day of no plans in Beverly Hills. Hmm. Well I do have work to do and we'll see what else. Wish you were here. xo, AM