Flamingods - Kinich Ahau [DÉCOUVERTE du jour]

...groupe à cinq têtes londonien
...signé sur Belly Kids
...emmené par Kamal Rasool
...et qui décrit sa musique comme de la psychedelic ethnic pop
Kinich Ahau
...extrait de leur premier album à venir
...vidéo réalisée par
Parole à Kamal Rasool pour nous décrire les influences du groupe chez qui les percus, des classiques aux plus tribales tiennent une place majeure...
"Most of the songs are influenced by where i’ve been around the world, like tribes i met in the Amazon, or African street musicians. This is then linked to my large fascination with the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas and tribal or ritual music itself, which a lot of my songs are based on. The album was recorded in Winter, where i was kind of just wishing for the Sun to come out, so a lot of writing was done in my head, day dreaming. Oh also, me and 3 other band members used to live in Bahrain, which was a strange place in itself – i’m sure it had an influence one way or another."