Delicate domestication

So what do you think of my studio progress above?? And the new do? Do you like my hair?
Okay sillies, this is the most beautiful, blissful picture though right? This happens to be Miss January from Bernina's 75th anniversary calender. One of the many little gifts I received as a result of spending some time with them earlier in the month. Such a gorgeous picture though, and there's that birdcage of mine too. If I could manage this studio with nothing but that swank wallpaper and those three items on her table, what simple days I would have. It will stay January here for the rest of the year, as I cannot bare to flip this dreamy image away!

So in the non-imaginary life of the studio I am making a little progress on some details here and there. In the old European tradition of fanciness that Miss Bernina lives in, I am using some otherwise stored away handmades from my Yiayia. Both windows that face the front yard have a special layer of delicate gold and emerald embroidered linens to boast now. This is a table runner that was so badly stained in the center, that it was never used.

And of course it was with a trembling hand that I actually cut into this. But I wanted to actually see this beautiful handiwork of hers. I wasn't enjoying it or putting it to any use in the drawer. Yiayia put everything to use. And the gorgeous work and color inspired the art deco style motif that I painted across the top of the shades.

The third window on the east wall has this sweetly appliqued and cross-stitched tablecloth filtering the morning sun now too. It's a square tablecloth that has nowhere to rest in this house of giant farm tables that feed masses. After receiving this as one of many wedding gifts from Greece almost 14 years ago, I think I'm pretty sure I won't have a square table anytime soon. Even on the most overcast day, the way the daylight looks through these fancies gives me a feeling of hand-washed linens drying in the sun.

Alot of the tables in here have also gotten a white bath as well as had their tops cozied up with a quilt of fabric swatches. This is the his of the his and hers computer tables. They make me feel a bit like I'm under a comfy blankey when I work on the computer. Happy yaaawn. More soon sweeties.