Make Way
I feel spring coming. Not in the's just a feeling. I'm nesting like a mother bird (and no, mom, I'm not pregnant). Though I am preening and cleaning like I am expecting something for certain. Hmmm. What could it be?

Each and every piece of my stash was subjected to snipping and folding this weekend. It was time to cut off those dangley weird strips leftover from random quick cuts & tidy up the shape of every length of fabric. Oddball pieces went into the scrap bowl for sorting. I just cannot throw away anything that might be big enough for a yo-yo or some other little fancy. Translate to I throw away nothing.

Ahhh much better. Tidy 9"x6" rectangles fit just right in these shelves. Some little storage boxes have cozied up next to the stash. I thought outside the box too. The felt box has a new little label made of embroidered felt (a'course). A box of miscellaneous items is covered in fabric. A box of embroidery materials is covered with the bodice of an old garagesale smocked girl's dress. And two big boxes to house all the misfits of scraps.

So any guesses on why my stash would want to look it's best?? And why a bit of room has been carved out here and there??
Yup. Chocolate Lollipop is on the way! Save room for dessert and be ready for sweetness in my next post! My newest collection of yummy fabrics for Free Spirit is about to be delivered. I am a proud new mother. I can't wait for big sister Bohemian to meet her playful new little sister. I think they will get along famously! If all goes as planned you will have Chocolate for Valentines day!

Stay tuned! xoxo,AM

Each and every piece of my stash was subjected to snipping and folding this weekend. It was time to cut off those dangley weird strips leftover from random quick cuts & tidy up the shape of every length of fabric. Oddball pieces went into the scrap bowl for sorting. I just cannot throw away anything that might be big enough for a yo-yo or some other little fancy. Translate to I throw away nothing.

So any guesses on why my stash would want to look it's best?? And why a bit of room has been carved out here and there??
Yup. Chocolate Lollipop is on the way! Save room for dessert and be ready for sweetness in my next post! My newest collection of yummy fabrics for Free Spirit is about to be delivered. I am a proud new mother. I can't wait for big sister Bohemian to meet her playful new little sister. I think they will get along famously! If all goes as planned you will have Chocolate for Valentines day!

Stay tuned! xoxo,AM