March sounds optimistic. I
sometimes always have mixed emotions about Spring starting. I welcome the bright green smell in the air, and the warming up, but I am overwhelmed with the obligation to get out in the yard and do all those gardeny things that you are suppose to do in the yard with your garden and your yard in the yard around that garden thing. Its been a few years. I have been busy. For a few years. I think you are only suppose to say that about the few past days or weeks, not years. Tis true though. What was I talking about? March. Gardens. Well, the big news about this Spring is that I don't have mixed emotions. I have one emotion and that is
oh good spring is coming. And right here in the spot where normal people would rattle off their revised Springy gardeny yardy intentions, I will rather say that I
think I will have some time to make my outer home a more beautiful place and that
perhaps there will be some planting and
maybe even a vegetable thriving on the premises. Oh such thoughts! Yes, flowers sound good. But so does sewing clothes. Quilts for the girls' beds even better.
What sounds good to you? Happy Monday! Happier March! xxoo, AM
P.S. to locals!! I will be speaking at the
Cumberland Valley Quilters Guild tomorrow in Franklin TN. From what I understand, non-guild members (translate to anyone) can attend this monthly meeting for a $5 admission. We're also going to have a little AM pop-up shop with fabric, patterns, books and more. Would love to see you, and sorry for the short notice! More info