That only took a year
Well the dress itself didn't take a whole year- we've made several in the past year! But creating the sewing pattern with all the options that I thought (and rethought) it should have and getting it all fine tuned, published, printed, shipped, etc. That took a year. But it was worth it. I love, love, love, this dress. I originally jumped into the design here, when I was all about zigzagging, which I totally still am. The humble beginning of this dress was simply that I had made two Folk Dance Quilt tops, a warm version and a cool version, and couldn't decide which to photograph for the free pattern download. While we were preparing a shoot for the Good Folks collection I picked up the warm toned unfinished top and, this would make a great dress. And it did. I simply wrapped the raw edged unfinished quilt top around Juliana, took a few quick measurements, fashioned a quick bodice that echoed the triangle design, pinned it all around her, clamped it tightly in place and had a fun photo shoot. And then the emails started. Why didn't I see that coming? I never see that coming.
Depending on your level of devotion to all the patchwork-y love though, there are four different options in the sewing pattern with various doses (or no dose at all) of the zig zag motif. Not to mention numerous combinations of making the dress strapped or strapless, short, mid length, full length and so on. All options are designed for the dress to be lined with an invisible side zipper. Strapless versions are designed to have a clever invisible elastic channel at the upper back bodice for additional support. Don't ever say I'm not supportive. I am here for you.
And after a year of working on and off on this one with all of its intricacies, I have to say, I am quite smitten with the simple mid length non-patch version. It is quite the ideal spring/summer/fall dress and I want one in every color to wear with every sweater, belt, necklace I own. And the pattern could not be better suited for the voiles, both for the outer dress and the lining. It's like wearing a cloud.
Thanks to so many (sooo many) of you who have emailed me ever since you saw the humble and spontaneous version here first last year and have waited so patiently for the debut of this pattern. And even thank you to those of you who have waited so impatiently (only if you consider a weekly email impatient). Enjoy! It's now available here and several other shops around the globe- so check your local fabric shop!
More pattern news coming later this week, and also some tips about sewing with voile!
xoox, AnnaMaria
Edited to add: the childrens' garments may or may not be patterns in progress... you know how it goes- they should be ready in about 4 years ::snicker