If what I think is happening, IS hapening, it better not be.

("sinister swarm" print detail in progress)

Hoooa No. Man. Thanks for all the moth info. I think. Ick. No really, I'm glad to take a sampling of all the common denominators in those comments and figure out our plan of attack (defense?).

In other maybe not so unrelated-to-icky-moth news, I am here to talk more about boys. The boys I currently have in the house- 39, 13, 11 and 2 - keep me exposed to everything from heart-achingly wonderful to utterly disgusting. You can make your own assumptions about that limited information. I knew enough about boys when I was first pregnant with Roman to know better than to actually want another one. After all I was (and still am) married to one and I was (and still am) raising two others (errhhh- am I raising all of them....?) But I did really, really hope that he was a boy before I knew. I dreamed that he was. I felt like I had figured boys out and was finally over the fact that I can't put dresses on them. It was like a whole new appreciation of boy personhood was opened up to me. Boys are wonderful. Just as beautiful as girls in their own way, and warm your heart in an entirely different way. I am so lucky to have them. Smelliness and all.

Speaking of lucky, here is our winner of Sewing for Boys + some cuts of my new flannel:

8:09 PM Jamie said...I have had my eyes on this book from the time the ladies announced its impending arrival on their blog about a year ago. Add this to your amazing flannel fabrics and who wouldn't be in line for that?

Congratulations Jamie, and email us with your home address to claim your loot!

Shop news! We've just added the Loulouthi Needleworks and my new Rose Era linens. I am so pleased with how both collections turned out, and didn't expect that both of these cross stitch inspired groups would be launching at the same time. A happy accident.

back to the drawing board, smooch, AM

(ps. does anyone recognize this post title...name that movie? Its my favorite movie line of all time and sums up the life of a mother (especially of boys) like nothing else. Are you cussing with me?)


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