Postcards:: day four
This is just one of many gorgeous views Jeff snapped from the highest peak of the San Jacinto mountains. It was a dream for him to be able to plan, look forward and climb that summit. The way he talked about it almost had me convinced to overcome my height squeamishness and tram up for a look myself....but in my generosity, I decided to let him keep that joy all to himself.

Yesterday my crafty friends made mustaches out of my braids. So clever those two. This is Annabel on the left and Heather on the right. Jeff just took this one with my phone, but Alessandra was also snapping away, so I'm looking forward to seeing more of those. Such sweet girls.
Today is the first day on my own, now that Jeff is back home with the kids. Alissa picked me up in Palm Springs this morning and brought me to L.A.- Beverly Hills to be exact- what? I know- so weird. Not a place I ever thought that quilt talks and sewing would ever bring me (our kind are everywhere!), but so far it has been an interesting experience. I know that they make all the movies here, but I didn't expect that every single billboard would be plastered with movie this and movie that. I did expect palm trees galore, glass houses in the hills, and cars that cost more than my house- so that much hasn't been a surprise. Tomorrow I am teaching a workshop at Sew Modern, and then speaking to the LA Modern Quilt Guild tomorrow evening, and I'm really excited to do both.
And now that I've caught up on Downton Abbey online, I can call it a night.