Postcards:: day one
Once we got to Dallas from Nashville, I was pretty sure we were headed to the right gate when we saw this skirt. The lovely Jane who was also traveling to my workshop with Heather and Denyse in Palm Springs gave herself away with that patchwork love. So pretty. I also sat next to Debra on the flight and got to have some nice chats between snoozing and stitching. (omg! and little Jackie Ivancho was on our flight with what looked like her brother, mom, and puppy!)

This is the view outside of our room at the Ace Hotel. I want my money back though. There's no turntable in here. (If you've ever stayed at any Ace Hotel, you will so love that link.) What is standard issue here at the Palm Springs Ace: caftans. In every room. I fell so ridiculously in love with them last year that Heather sent me one as a gift afterwards. I can't wear it without Jeff saying something stupid. But I don't care. I know he loves it.

This is my favorite view currently. Getting watch my husband take a break for a bit. With me. Tonight we'll have a meet and greet with workshoppers, dinner then get right to sewing for a few hours until late. It already feels late to me, trying to stay awake for this timezone is a challenge!
Be back tomorrow, wish you were here, Anna Maria xoxox