
Just a few images of mamas. Isn't my mom beautiful!? I love this picture of her taken her senior year of high school. Happy Mother's Day mom! One day late. Appropriate since I was two weeks late, I guess. She is such a wonderful mom. I've learned so many things from her, but most important, I think, are the things that just rubbed off on me. Patience, cheerfulness and a spirit of adventure.

This was taken on my first Mother's Day. 19 year old me and 3 month old Juliana. I had never babysat a day in my life. But I practiced patience learning how to be a mom. I stayed cheerful when I wanted to cry. And it definitely felt like Jeff and I were on a grand adventure. Still does.
Lately I feel like I've barely even been a mom between my work and traveling. All the same I was still startled into wakefulness yesterday morning by a loud group "Happy Mother's Day!" followed by lots of elbows, knees, and giggles piling onto me in bed. Then came taking turns at showering me with homemade cards, school-made art and very thoughtful letters and scribbles from each of them. Of course Juliana was still in bed herself being in a different wake up bracket than her little brothers and sisters. She had already plushed me with a new CD the day before. Which I'm pretty sure has migrated into her CD player.

I was so amused by Isabela and Leo this morning on the patio. Those two cuddle together a lot while she says the funniest little love words to him.
"who is the best dog?"
"you are!"
"you are such a sweetie, yes you are!"
Jeff and I were cracking up at how she mothers him, and even more at how Leo nestles up right next to her and always has a paw around her or on her, hugging back. Such a little nurturer. Apparently some things are just instinct, which is very comforting. But maybe a little mommy-ness is rubbing off on her, I suppose. xo,AM