NYC series-1-Window Shopping

Remember me? What a week I had! Good in so many ways that my New York posts will come to you in a series. This may go on for a week or more! And in each series its so hard to narrow down the photos as I was incredibly snap-happy!
Perhaps the first thing that comes to mind when we think NYC is the shopping and no doubt, we did plenty. The window shopping is like no other, so today I wanted to show you some of my favorite windows.
Most are just what you would expect, an artistic staging of what you see in your malls and catalogs like the JCrew window above. But the oversize wonderfulness of it all just about knocks you over and beckons you to enter even when you've flipped every page of their catalog twice already. I was suddenly mad for madras all over again as I have been for a while.

I desperately tried to think of a reason (and a way) to purchase those red silk ballet slippers that were priced in the several hundreds. But instead I just came home with a picture and the dream that owning them would make perfect sense.

Craftiness has not been lost on designers or window display experts. Everywhere I turned there were either items or displays that evoked the colorful and playful handmade world you and I all love and live in.

The blanket stitches, the paper crafting, the sculpted fabric flowers, the odes to clothing design, the menageries of vintage throw aways given a second chance... I saw them everywhere.

Some where tiny details in shops and on clothing and others where grand like these giant paper flowers. It had me feeling a sense of home-i-ness that one usually doesn't expect when walking these streets. I love it more here every time I come. Really, its a stunning place to be.
More soon! xo~AM