NYC series-3-Mock Birthday

I hope you're having fun going through my NYC photos at a meaningful and focused pace. I'm trying to instill that type of process to every aspect of my life these days. Focused, not rushed. Huge challenge.Anyway, you've seen some color on the streets and some gorgeous windows. Now let's go in to one destination.
I'm fortunate enough to have a mom who has always appreciated my taste even if she didn't employ it for herself. We both looked forward to getting on the other side of these windows, as much for the delightful experience of it as for the contents of the shopping bags as we exited.

Now that they've opened a few more shops in the Manhattan area and everyone has calmed down a little bit about this store, the dressing room lines are less obnoxious. I am just as happy looking at the quirk and glee tucked into every corner with their clever merchandising tricks as I am to buy things. I'm certain that's the way we all feel and why we all regard this retail collection with such affection. It's just plain cozy-cheerful-casual-clever perfection. But randomly perfect, not perfectly perfect. There. Maybe I touched on it just a bit.

Anyway. Mom was all too happy to treat me to a birthday dress. Was it my birthday? Nope. Not by a long shot. Still a few months to go. But that didn't matter. I wanted a gorgeous blue dress and it didn't make any sense whatsoever for me to indulge. Mom and I have this knack, however, at attaching perfectly logical decisions to really meaningless situations. Like saying this is my birthday present early and that it makes good sense to do that now because we won't be together on my birthday anyway, and it would be easier for us to just let this be the present since we're both there enjoying it and it's exactly what I want and it fits and everything. Then there's all those balloons in the front window too. Oh and our connecting flight on the way up had us in Chicago which is my birthplace. Thats got to be enough reasons.

We were pleased. I was thrilled. Mom treated herself as well to a little sale sweater. And me a few little ceramic thingies. To further drive home the concept of this being a birthday celebration though, we thought it best to attach a piece of cake to the afternoon. Not a problem. A glance across the street had us in a Russian cafe enjoying afternoon coffee, tiramisu, and the most amazing warm cheese and cherry pastry ever. Mission accomplished.

It was pretty rainy and chilly that day. It was dark and warm inside that little cave of a cafe. Everything outside was loud, honking, sloshing and really just a mess of a day. But exciting and beckoning nonetheless. It was such a rare occurrence for just the two of us chatting away with no time constraints. We decided to give up our warm spot to the next customers in line and brave the outside together to see what would happen next. Really not unlike an actual birth-day. Thanks Mom. For the real one and the pretend one and all those in between. xo, AM