Nearly 14 years ago

There must be some mistake. 14 years? In some ways if feels longer, then again like we just met and still trying to figure each other out. We're such kids, how could we be married 14 years already?? It feels like we grew up together since I was only 20 when we wed. I love you honey.
He loved my dress. I'll never forget that. I carefully composed the design and sewing of that treasure and it was very wonderful that he kept telling he loved it. Outside of children it's most precious thing I've ever made.
Well I am signing off once again cause we are beach bound baby! We head out tomorrow for the east coast and I cannot wait!! Like the rest of the kids, Jeff and I won't be able to sleep tonight because of the excitement. We'll celebrate our anniversary during our trip. Should be quite romantic in a beach house full of 10 rowdy, sandy sunburned cousins and 7 adults taking turns at running the blender and cooking dinner. Bliss nonetheless.

I made this Marriage Rules collage a few years ago after I had made the family rules for the kids. Jeff doesn't like rule number 3, or rather he doesn't like the phrasing. He thinks it should read "Wife, be on his side"....but us wives know thats not always possible, so I think sometimes you just need to say it. Just as important. They innately know the difference, which can be both angering and helpful. So be it. The last rule negates the doubts all the rest might produce.
I wrote up a project for this collage in this month's issue of Cloth Paper Scissors, and it follows an artist feature/interview they did on little ole me. So pick up a copy if you miss me and I'll be back soon!!