This is me at 35

It's my birthday today. Have you ever heard an old person admire their own beauty when they look at younger photos of themselves as though its some other person?? The first time I ever heard this was from my grandmother. I remember thinking it didn't sound vain. I think what she was saying more was 'look at how young I was.' She had the space of time to forget about what she didn't like about herself at the age she was in the picture and just appreciate the memory of a young able body. I'm sure she, like a lot of us women, undoubtedly had her own internal list of attributes she was less than fond of. After 5 healthy children I think a lot more about what I've gained (not pounds, but happiness) and less about what physical attribute is slowly going out the door. Life seems a healthy distraction from self.

I'm forced every now and then to take a look at myself 2 dimensionally and I do notice laugh lines that are showing up when no ones laughing and various other subtle changes. I hope I live to see and appreciate these images as really young portraits of myself. Right now they're the oldest me I've seen. I hope I remember how fun it was to take them, that my mom bought me that dress, that today we buried Jeff's great Uncle Morris and that it was a really beautiful service.
I like 35. It feels really, really young and optimistic. Happy Birthday to all you other summer babies out there. Be well!