Summer Sewing

Is there an empty spot on your sewing list (doubtful, I know)?? After quite a wait (which is partly my busy fault) the free quilt pattern for "22 Lollipops" that I designed for the Chocolate Lollipop line is finally up on the FreeSpirit website. For your extra added convenience though, I've added a link to the PDF in my sidebar over there, as well as the link for the Bohemian Quilt. I'm just nice like that. Whether you tackle this one now or a year from now, don't forget about the ever popular Super Circles tutorial to help you smooth out the circular spots. This quilt is a sumptious pleasure for those who enjoy handsewing, because all the circles are appliqued on. Which is one of my favorite endeavors.

Speaking of endeavors, you guys are making some of the cutest stuff with Choc Pop! If you haven't looked at the Lollipoppers flickr group in a while, go take a gander. You bunch a smarties. I've also been playing with the new flickr badges that you can customize for your site, so I have links to the Lollipoppers group and the Bohemian Beauties group over in the sidebar too. Too fun. Now everyone can see random little thumbnails of your creations on my site. Okay, maybe that badge thinger isn't new, come to think of it. It just takes me a while to notice stuff like that. Anyway. Ho-dee-do ramble.......ramble....hmm what else...
Oh yea, and my purlfriends also just listed all the Lollipop fabrics. They were on the second wave of shipments as the first wave in May enjoyed a quick sellout. Yay chocolate. Oh and I wanted to mention too that PurlSoho has the absolute best color representation of my fabrics that I've seen online. 'Least thats what my monitors are sayin'. They rock! Nkay. Talk soon! xo,AM