Hey Twin Cities!


It's a bi-annual scheme of sorts. Putting together a Quilt Market booth that is. And next month is no different (yikes, next month!??) This Spring, my booth display scheme is in need of a little local love- if you live in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis, St.Paul) area of Minnesota and are the owner of a modern styled, straight-line, high-arm couch and would like a fabulous one-of-a-kind patchwork slip-cover made for it give me a HOLLER. Email your couch photos to amATannamariahornerDOTcom. It won't cost you a thing, but just the trouble of getting the couch to me at the Minneapolis Convention Center for the duration of the show then picking it up afterward. I do tend to be overly friendly and very huggy-kissy, so if you consider enduring that as an expense of sorts, well then, it'll be very expensive. We will, of course, offer more details in replying to your email- so what are you waiting for!?

Coming up later this week: An answer session for those of you who asked questions in regards to my Stitch post. Also a little girl dress post that will have your heart singing for spring.

Hope all enjoyed a beautiful Easter yesterday! Xristos Anesti!!
xoxox, Anna Maria


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