Photos for the book that you won't find in the book but that I like so much
I can't even begin to imagine just exactly how many photos we took for the book. Angela was and is such an amazing photographer to work with. I was always verbalizing the h--- out of every shoot we did, what I was hoping for, how I thought we should do it, the cropping I was envisioning, and she was always just like: okay. And I was always like: is she listening? The fact is, she completely did not need direction, instinctually did everything right, and I hugged her every time I felt like it which was often. Poor girl. Point being, there are so many funny, sweet, beautiful, perfect photos that never got a chance to be in the book. There always are. Either the cropping won't work out for the page size or the project isn't shown from a view that conveys the construction well enough or there just isn't enough room in the book or the baby is just too stinking cute and it would make everyone pass out. Or it could be the photo of me above that really just shouldn't be printed anywhere. 'Cept on my blog of course. You lucky readers you. The above does show what the Mariposa Dress looks like tied in front instead of in back as the book cover shows. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to share a few more....
Katherine interprets the Hide & Seek Spectrum Quilt as hide and sleep. Quilts are for sleeping you dumb designer lady.
Marios figures out how to run my dryer about a lightyear faster than I did. He's wearing the Quick Change Trousers (they're reversible!)
Reuben is not down with modeling a flannel-lined hooded jacket in 85degree weather. It is true what they say about models, they are so unreasonably difficult!!! (I love you Reuben) He learned a new word that day. OFF!
Roman gets a little cheek squoosh as he and my dear husband model the Dad Bag. (Which he swore he would never use but uses all the flippin time.)
This would fall under the too cute category. Sigh. Where did teeny-tiny Roman go? He's sleeping on the Sixth's Times the Charm Quilt.
I'm sorry baby Carrie, it's not legal in the continental US to be this adorable, therefore we could not publish this photo. Better luck next time. Try looking uncute next time, kay? She's wearing the Pretty-as-a-Picture Dress. I guess she took us literally.
And printing this one of Claire would have caused nationwide ovulation.
And again, Marios the genius playing with the Nesting Cubes.
Hope you enjoyed these. I have nothing against hiring professional models but this book simply employed incredibly beautiful kids that I just happen to know already. Lucky me. I love all of you darling babies and your moms and dads too!
Tell me which one is your favorite in the comments and I'll draw a few names to send you a signed copy of the book! And an 8x10 glossy of me eating cheeseburgers too!
I'm kidding about that glossy.
ps. handmade beginnings flickr group is up and running!! Please share your photos, questions and any errata you come across!
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