The Easter Dresses. Repurposed from this. The skirt is the same process as the Evening Empire Dress Pattern, which is really the same process as the quilts too. For the bodices I just generally made rectangles to fit each of the girls. Eleni's (top) gathers up with the skirt by way of two elastic channels. Isabela's has a triangular detail in front and only gathers up with elastic in back. And has crisscross straps. A requested feature.
I don't think I have to tell you that I am smitten with spring, sewing, zigzag patchwork or little girls. But I have to tell you (must) that I am blown over by how gorgeous the outside is currently. Not popping bulbs or planted flowers or tended gardens actually- but the amazing landscape that is the green grass right now. It looks like a raucous party of dandelions, clover, violets, and all sorts of other uninvited guests. Parties are always best when crashed. Smitten I tell you!
Which reminds me, I'm not sure the littlest girls know how to make a dandelion necklace. D-a-n-d-e-l-i-o-n-N-e-c-k-l-a-c-e-s. There. On this weekend's list.
xoxo, Anna