All chocolate all the time

I promise (fingers crossed behind my back) that this is the last chocolate themed post! You must have that sticky sweet feeling in the back of your throat by now, certainly! Just thought I would give you one more cavity, with well, eye-candy. For real. I'll be giving a little class at Quilt Market called 'Chocolate Lollipop and the sweetness of sewing'. It's customary for designers and other industry folks to chat up their new line to a group of buyers or any other topic buzzing around the quilting and sewing world that they choose. I'll obviously be talking about the new line, but also about the surge in sewing over the past few years. In particular, I have a theory about how much we need the hands-on luxury of things like sewing, knitting, and other slow paced endeavors to balance our hi tech and fast paced lives. And I'll be talking about all this to a bunch of people who have just been handed one of these lollipops, so maybe they'll agree with wh...