Collected Chaos

I finished up all the details on the octagon quilt this weekend. The lovely Vivian Love did the quilting, and may I say she did an amazing job. She employed free motion quilting in a stitch pattern completely dreamed up by her and inspired by my fabrics, says she. I was so thrilled to have a few quiet hours in the studio yesterday to get the binding on, while Jeff braved the afternoon set of soccer games and Juliana's track meet.

So on Sunday all conditions were set for a parade of color across the front lawn led by none other than the girls. We had such beautiful sun and while still in their Sunday frocks from the their mom's hands, they were more than happy to play with mommy's new quilt. Can you find the sweetie feeties above?

Oh there's another set!
I know that some prefer not to stomach this much bold pattern all smushed and pushed together in one quilt. It is an eye or two full isn't it? It just satisfies me to see the order that's forced upon unruly fabrics when you cut them up and put them into a geometric quilt such as this. It's like storming into the playroom to brake up the loud chaos and telling all the rowdy kids to sit in a nice neat row and keep there mouths shut. And they do it, only they're all still looking at you like they'll bust out with a belly laugh any minute. Not that I would know anything about that. I'm just sayin'. Those fabrics look like they're about to giggle. Have I just been looking at them too long?

Isabela had a grand idea.

Make like cocoons and wait until they feel some new wings itching at their backs, then fly away and on to the next adventure.
Yes, good idea, indeed.