Just the six of us

In case you think I don't leave the studio I thought I should share proof. I carted 5 children to track and soccer yesterday and employed all the usual accomplices to keep everyone happy...overpriced concession stand stuff. It was a rare day that I actually had cash in my wallet, and no time to pack anything. Well, okay , no time is not rare.

I guess you usually don't see those boys do you? Oh they're always here. Just not modeling the latest Chocolate Lollipop fancy. I can usually feel people looking at us amused when they see us file into anywhere all in a long seemingly endless row of children. Definitely felt that yesterday placing the orders at the concession stand, finding a spot to settle, then beginning the 10 minute opening of all the drinks and snacks.

Isabela has become quite the goalie, barely letting a thing by her. She doesn't miss a thing. She's always been like that.

Juliana has got her 1/2 mile down to well under 3 minutes. Which coincidentally is the same amount of time it has taken her to grow from a baby to a 15 year old track star. The track is not a place to be caught out of style however. I'm not sure she would run if there weren't a totally cool shoe purchase in the deal.

And there's a portrait of me. My Chan Luu bag and a kid bottle of Gatorade. Kinda sums it up. That is my favorite bag, but it's seen better days. I've been thinking lately I should try to make one similar, with all those weird little crafty additions. It's just plain silly and beautiful all at once. I love it.
That was tuesday, hope you're having a good wednesday. xoxo, Anna