Selective Striping

I've been having a bit of a love affair with saffron yellow for a while. I'm dropping it here there and everywhere in my design work and a dash around the house and studio too.

Hey, I said saffron, where'd that pink and lilac come from!? They were hiding. I chose to nudge them out with some thoughtful pleats. That was fun, let's do it again.

Ah, yes a beach-y glass-y green. Pretty.

I thought of it in my sleep the other night as a clever way treat these fabrics or any nice thick stripes for that matter. It was all I could do to not hop up and light the midnight oil. Actually it was well after 2 am, what do you burn then? Probably just calories. Anyway, just join the same color stripe edge to edge and stitch hiding their non-spotlight color friends in the pleat.
I'm thinking if placed over little girl bellies, you'll know they've been fed if the colors in hiding make an appearance. Some days a material clue that we remembered to feed them would be helpful.
'kay back to work, just had to show ya.