Xristos Anesti!

I hope that you all had a beautiful Easter weekend! We traveled a short ways to my parents' house on the river in east Tennessee to join my brother George, my sister Eleni, and their darling families. Ten little sets of cousin feet stomped in happiness all through the house for three days as we hunted eggs, ate cake, wiped away sleepiness for a midnight church service and celebrated a beautiful Easter together. Those bright and beautiful eggs were meant to be shared with you last week. We had a bit of a snag on Thursday. Our precious Juliana was a passenger in her friend's car when they were hit head-on by a drunk driver.

It was the tearful phone call no parent wants to get, and by the grace of God she and her friend both walked away a little banged up, dizzy, but no broken bones. I've never been so happy to see bruises on her because the biggest marks left on her were from the seatbelt she thankfully was wearing. Everything you would imagine went through my head and heart but mostly we are all feeling very fortunate. An off-duty fireman just happened to witness the whole thing and was able to rush over and call the police and be with them until they arrived. The oncoming drivers had more serious injuries, but non-life threatening, and were taken to the hospital. That's all I have to say there.

I spent lots of time on my parents' floor, amid the happy chaos of cousins, finishing the Lollipop quilt. Another grounding and calming way to feel safe and at ease. All the light that streams through those river reflected windows gave me a brilliant spot to work in. It most perfectly represented the Light we received this particular Easter. I hope you caught a glimmer of it too. xo,AM