Breakfast for one

Eleni is the official only one at home this school year. Even sharing a room with Isabela, she can't manage an eye open early enough to see the other kids load onto the bus. So every morning she wakes up and asks where everyone is. She sorta doesn't seem that disappointed. She hasn't even asked why she's not going to preschool like she did in the spring. I surprised even myself with that decision as busy as my days are. Something in me just wanted her here. Maybe because shes the last. Is she the last? God only knows. I get that question a lot. A whole lot. More than I did when I had 2 or 3. Now that we're up to 5 people assume we're already crazy, so they wanna know just how crazy maybe. Which is fine. Truth is I don't know how to answer it. I don't know what our number is. So I usually say "oh, I think 5 is a good number" which is not a lie. But its not the whole story maybe, just an answer.
My cup runneth over. I can hardly stand it. In the best way. xoAM