Little lollipop launch

Hey its me and the Chicks! Look what this talented group of designers has been sewing up with Chocolate Lollipop. There are some astonishingly adorable frocks to be had at their ebay auction that just went up this week. Be sure to arrange by the newest items first to see all the Lollipop thingies that are continuing to be be updated.

I am so humbled when I receive emails from readers who tell me how much my fabric has inspired them, or how one of my ideas may have gotten them out of a rut and started sewing again. I really just can't even tell you how wonderful that is. Certainly I make my living doing this, but seeing what you do with my fabrics is payment beyond measure and is actually inspiring to me. More than you realize. Getting paid for something really never tells me I'm doing it right. Watching what happens after it leaves my hands is like dessert.

As I work on new fabric collections (literally, like I'm procrastinating as we speak on the second of two new lines rolling out in the next 6 months), I am guided a bit sometimes by how you use all this fabric that started out as sketches in my drawing book. Please keep up all the beautiful creating and please keep sharing it with me and your darling loved ones!

I'm glad to know that more of you are sewing and that your children, pets, friends and houseplants are watching you do it. I dare say the world is better for it. Uh-oh, sounds like I'm starting to take this seriously.
(Photo credits from the top:
Lollipop Launch layout designed by Kris
pink pieced top and skirt by Katarina of Flowers*and*Butterflies,
daisy apron dress by Sharon Mirick,
multi-floral pieced jumper by Lori of Belles and Bows)