Dear Jeff

We miss you. I finally got a nap in yesterday afternoon. Our 4am trip to the airport did not do much for my single parenting patience yesterday. I forget how hard it is when you're gone. I took the boys and Isabela to the science museum this morning with Karen who brought Josh and Leah. They all had a blast, dinosaurs, flight simulators, and every other gadget-y science-y trick. Karen and I got to watch from the comfort of a bench and an overdue conversation about life, family and parenting. I needed that. How did we get so lucky to land next to another family of 7? What great neighbors. Afterwards we swung back home to pickup Juliana and Eleni and headed for our favorite lunch spot. They were all like moths to a flame at the pastry counter, naturally. But they eventually gave in to the $4 PB&Js instead. Juliana and I got our usual Greek salad and Mediterranean veggie sandwich. Yum.

Well the spat over whether or not Juliana can glue all her magazine clippings to the wall seems to be taking a turn for the better. She's painting all the images instead. I guess she figured she's allowed to hang art. She worked on it all day yesterday and today. It looks amazing actually, I can't believe how good she is without anyone really teaching her anything. She completely has a handle on light, dark, color, structure and other things that some people take years to learn. I think she'll love taking art and photography at school this year. We watched Music & Lyrics last night which was predictably amusing yet predictable. I figured we would get a few girl movies out of the way while you're gone.
I just noticed that Eleni foamed your shaving cream all over our bathroom wall today while I was one the phone. Isabela has the keyboard on the powertools setting and I feel like our house is being remodeled again. Although Juliana is certain those sounds are more bearable than listening to the pre-programmed Aladdin soundtrack. Four more days till school. Long days. But only four of them.
Well, I still have to take a card and gift to Sherry, pickup my prints (we need to get our new printer!) for the new fabric and home goods collection so I can send off the I better run. Hope your presentation went well and also that you can get the earlier flight home. We all miss you. Even Leo.