Light Sewing

The other night our power went out. Again. Power loss is one thing in the winter when you can huddle close, bundle up, light candles, etc. It's another thing all together when its a million degrees outside and you want to stick your head in the freezer after about 30 minutes of it. But doing that would sacrifice the freezer temperature so you don't. Luckily this time Jeff had all the little ones at the pool and stayed an extra long time realizing there was no reason for them to be at home. So Juliana read by her window in her room and I folded every clean and dry piece of laundry I could find. Then I picked up a baby gift I've been working on. On and off. Power off. Hand sewing on.

Thankfully there was about an hour or so of good light left so, I pulled a chair over to the living room window. What is it about handsewing?! Anyone else know what I mean? Are you sad when you're done? I'm heartbroken when I'm done, I cherish it, really, really. This is probably why I tend to embellish small appliqued items so frequently. I'm never ready for it to be over quite yet. So I continue the conversation between the background, the embroidery, the cut fabrics. Like hosting my favorite friends and I'm not ready for them to leave. I'm the youngest of three. I hate being left. Thank goodness there's oodles of fabric in my studio and it doesn't have anywhere it needs to be.

So the gift is a pair of miniature pillows for a new baby friend. A Miss Clarke Caldwell who is affectionately called "CeCe". This baby girl is so adorable. Especially adorable. I need to have another holding session. She just sinks right in like she knows me even though she doesn't. She will soon I guess. So I still have one more "c" to go. Yay. Now if I could just talk her mommy into naming her "CeCeCe" we'd be in business.