A sprinkling

Isabela is 6 years old today. Happy Birthday to Bela! And a Happy Birthday to Grandpa Jack. I'll never forget having birthday cake in the delivery room on the fun day that Isabela shared her arrival with Jeff's dad's birthday. My sweet school girl was greeted with a sprinkley breakfast this morning lest she forget it is her day. We'll save the home made yummies for later on. A puppy cake has been requested, of course. Bela is our resident dog lover, as you know.
It is so hot in Tennessee that the schools only have a half-day, and perhaps more half days this week. Although we've declared Isabela Day as the reason. We had our first rain in weeks during the night. It sounded so wonderful and comforting that I almost crawled out of bed to watch it. Almost.

We had a busy weekend with a little bit of everything. Yard work, swimming, hiking, shopping, thrifting, baking. Oh, I found those 5 little sunny plates for 25 cents at Goodwill. It fed my folk love for the time being. Also the boys now pride themselves on being able to make sunnysideup eggs all by themselves, and they are out of their minds thrilled if their sisters want one too. So I thought these a perfect set for the 5 of them as they feast at strange, often not-typical-egg-eating-times of the day. I think I need to buy some chickens. Anyone raising chickens?
Speaking of sprinkles, thank you soooooo much for sweetly sprinkling my comment box with all the advice, help, encouragement, and thoughtful words regarding blog services. I'm still thinking it over, though I know that some change will happen. I have fiddled a bit with the html in blogger to do a few things, and know that I could figure out more if I had the time. But thats just it. The time. I've learned (often the hard way) that just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. My time is likely better spent doing other things, so I'd like for a more effective set of tools to be waiting for me when I'm ready to go. It seems like typepad and the wordpress service are comparable, just a different trade-off with cost and user-friendliness. I do like the idea of seamlessly integrating my blog with my website, which is in dire need of updating. Which leads me into thinking about just programming my own blog on the site, etc. And this is the way its been going in my head around in circles for a few weeks. I'll keep ya posted, pun intended. Anyway. Have a donut. You deserve it and its calorie free. Thanks peeps. xo,AM